Weather & Routing Fundamentals
Weather knowledge and understanding is a fundamental part of any sailing expedition. While there are many great resources for weather data and forecasts, knowing how to interpret the data to help you make informed decisions using expert weather knowledge is what routing is all about.
Rick Miller is a lifelong professional mariner who currently teaches at Maine Maritime Academy, and sails as Master for Sea Education Association.
Chelsea is a degreed meteorologist and lifelong sailor who has ‘tied the knot’ between the science of weather and the strategy of sailboat racing. She’s the meteorologist for the US Sailing Team, and has a variety of racing experience from one design dinghies to navigating keelboats offshore. Chelsea is the founder of SeaTactics, delivering expert weather knowledge to racers who want to elevate their sailing strategies to gain a competitive edge.
The Morning Muster is produced by Morse Alpha LLC. We offer rigorous coastal and offshore sailing expeditions for beginners and experienced sailors. Our expeditions are the perfect training for people who want to cruise offshore, or sail the world. Find out more at
You can find out more about the guests on this episode:
Rick Miller
Chelsea Carson
You can download Chelsea's Free Weather Resource Guide at where she also has online weather courses available and currently happening. You can also find her on Instagram @Sea_Tactics or Facebook @SeaTactics
This episode is sponsored by:
You can find out more about the guests on this episode:
Rick Miller
Chelsea Carson
You can download Chelsea's Free Weather Resource Guide at where she also has online weather courses available and currently happening. You can also find her on Instagram @Sea_Tactics or Facebook @SeaTactics
This episode is sponsored by:
Outland Hatch Covers. Outland makes next-gen hatch covers made from PVC that protect your hatch-acrylic from harmful UV damage and help keep the cabin cool. They’re also super easy to put on and take off.
We’ve got Outland Hatch Covers on all our hatches and even all the ports in the cabin and hull. We love them. Check out for more info.
Music by Tim Eriksen: