Lessons Learned Sailing Single Handed
An enlightening chat with two accomplished solo sailors, Richard Gordon-Rein and James Tomlinson about what it takes to sail solo, and what they've learned from doing so. Richard has recently sailed solo to from Alaska to Mexico to Hawaii and back. James has decades of experience sailing solo in Northern Europe. We chat about loneliness, self-sufficiency, self-care, the rewards of solo sailing, planning, watch standing as a single hander, sleep schedules, developing skills, and making safe decisions.
The Morning Muster is produced by Morse Alpha LLC. We offer rigorous coastal and offshore sailing expeditions for beginners and experienced sailors. Our expeditions are the perfect training for people who want to cruise offshore, or sail the world. Find out more at morsealpha.com.
You can find out more about the guests on this episode:
James Tomlinson samingosailing.com
Richard Gordon-Rein svdarwind.blogspot.com
This episode is sponsored by Scanmar Marine. Scanmar designs and manufactures high quality cruising products for both power and sailing vessels. For more info, check out scanmarinternational.com
Music by Tim Eriksen: timerksenmusic.com
You can find out more about the guests on this episode:
James Tomlinson samingosailing.com
Richard Gordon-Rein svdarwind.blogspot.com
This episode is sponsored by Scanmar Marine. Scanmar designs and manufactures high quality cruising products for both power and sailing vessels. For more info, check out scanmarinternational.com
Music by Tim Eriksen: timerksenmusic.com